Getting to Know Me

My name is Elle and I'm a twenty-something chic who is recently getting motivated to live a happy, healthy life.  The name Elle-Clectic is because I'm a very RANDOM person, from the music I listen to, to the things I'm interested in.  I even say RANDOM things.   

I grew-up in the suburbs of Chicago.  Thanks to my parents, I was always very active in sports.  I danced, played softball, basketball, and volleyball.  Healthy foods were always pushed onto me but I never learned how to eat right and being so active I never thought I would have to worry about it.  When I went away to college, I decided to focus on school and didn't know how to balance school and my life which resulted in me not focusing on myself.  I wasn't as active as I was at home and due to the stress of school I ate everything in site.  My weight increased and my self esteem decreased.  When you aren't happy with yourself, you tend to make bad decisions.  In my case, I made bad relationship decisions. 

Five years later, I graduated from college with a degree that I loved but still unhappy with myself.  I accepted a job offer in Texas.  I moved to Texas weighing more than I have ever weighed before 180 lbs.  I had no energy and felt like I had lost control of my life.  Determined not to be the Texas Cliche, Everything is Bigger in Texas, I joined Weight Watchers and started running.  I lost 20 lbs and ran a half marathon.  After I completed the half, something still wasn't right.  I was unhappy.  I decided to re-evaluate my life and realized I missed my family and friends and wasn't happy at my job.  I decided to take control of my life and began trying to fix these things.  The economy didn't help matters much, but a year later I got a job with a new company and moved back to the Midwest to be closer to my family and friends.  The stress of the interviewing process and move caused me to pack on 10 lbs.

I'm back in the Midwest and so much happier with my life.  Now that I have a job that I love and am living closer to my family and friends, I'm motivated again to finish where I left off on my weight loss journey.

Follow me as I attempt to live a happy, healthy life.  I'm sure their will be some bumps in the road a long the way.   
  • Fitness - I'm starting to run again but need to start weight training.
  • Food - I don't cook BUT I'm going to start to try, should lead to some interesting blogs.  Stay Tuned! 
Please note that I'm new to the blogging world and this is a work in progress.